Graphic Competitions

Grafers 2016 International Poster Competition

deadline: February 17, 2017

Organised by the Cyprus International University and endorsed by the International Council of Design, the Grafers 2016 International Poster Competition aims to raise awareness around traffic safety for drivers, motorcyclists, passengers and pedestrians as gesture of positive urban coexistence and socially responsible design.

Unlimited number of entries per participant. Digital files only: JPG file (2953*4134 pixels / 50*70 cm) 150 DPI - RGB mode.

The competition is in honour of a student of Cyprus International University student: Ali Garginsu, who passed away in a motorbike accident in 2014.

There is no entry fee.


Open to anyone worldwide.


There will be an Award and two Honourable mentions. Select winning posters will receive a certificate of participation and they will be part of the exhibition opening on March 10, 2017.

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