Graphic Competitions

Taipei International Design Award 2017

deadline: July 28, 2017

Organised by the Taipei City Government, the tenth edition of Taipei International Design Award is now open for entries.

Creative designers, teachers and students of design schools and people with design passion from around the globe are invited to submit design works, to be publicly selected among international design works, as well as serve as creative design exchange platform to discover creative works with commercial potential.

You are encouraged to use universal design to improve the city's economic, social, environmental, and cultural development by providing its users with a safer, harmonious, and more convenient lifestyle.

There are three main categories:

• Industrial Design (works that can be mass-produced, including transportation tools, equipment, daily utilities and household goods, IT and home appliances, fashionables, etc.)
• Visual Communication Design (identity, posters, packaging and publications)
• Public Space Design (spaces for public usage, governmental buildings and certain private establishments)

Entries must be original creations of the contestants completed after June 30, 2015.

There is no entry fee.


Everyone worldwide is welcomed to participate individually or as a group (each group is limited to five members) with one member as main correspondent.


The Golden Award will receive prizes amounting to 500,000 NTD (approx. 16,460 USD). The Golden / Silver / Bronze winners will also receive a trophy and a certificate of recognition.

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