Graphic Competitions

Hamdan International Photography Award

deadline: December 31, 2014

The Hamdan International Photography Award’s journey continues as it now enters its forth season. You're invited to share your imaginative mind, your passion for your craft and push yourself to produce your best work yet.

This year's theme 'Life in Colour' is a wonderfully open brief that allows your creative mind to explore an array of exciting avenues –where will this journey take you?

Four categories have been chosen which will inspire some of the world’s finest and most committed photographers. The Award encourages photographers to share their craft and demonstrate excellence in what is now one of the most coveted Awards in the world.

The four categories are:

• Life in Colour
• General/Entrants' Choice (completely open)
• Faces (black and white only)
• Night Photography

Think of them as the catalyst for your ideas and your springboard to creative excellence, to capturing the people, the places, and the colours of life that make our world such an exciting place to live.

You can submit a maximum of 4 photos for all categories, 1 photo for each category. Photographs submitted must be of high quality and be suitable for publication. They must also be in JPEG format and no less than 2 MB in size. You cannot participate with a photo that has already won in a competition, or already used for commercial purposes.

There is no entry fee.


Individuals from all over the world are welcome to submit their entries, except those who are under 18 years.


There will be five winners for each category, plus an impressive Grand Prize of $120,000.

There will be also two special awards:
• Photography Appreciation Award: $20,000
• Photographic Research/Report Award: $25,000

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